Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission to plan a museum at the Flaming Cliffs. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
The Flaming Cliffs are the first place dinosaur fossils were discovered in Mongolia, during a 1922 expedition of American scientists and local translators and guides. It was Roy Chapman Andrews, the expedition leader, who named them the Flaming Cliffs and later wrote about them, revisiting several times, and capturing the imagination of the public. Read More
Markie Massey, our Spring 2017 Volunteer of the Quarter
We recently held our second quarterly board meeting. It was precisely three minutes shorter than our first, at two hours and twenty-two minutes. At least six of those minutes were spent discussing and voting for our first Volunteer of the Quarter. We didn’t think of it at the last meeting because, well, we didn’t have a lot of volunteers. Now we have (*checking*) thirteen! Crazy.
One of them has been especially enthusiastic and dedicated this quarter, and if you follow our Twitter feed, you already know her work. Markie Massey took over the Twitter account for me a few months ago and has posted far more regularly than I had time for, helping to forward our mission of building awareness of Mongolian dinosaurs and paleontology around the world.
She let us subject her to a short interview so you could get to know her better. Read More
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission to lay early groundwork for a museum at the Flaming Cliffs. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
Front entrance of the community cultural center in Bulgan Sum
When we finally arrived in Bulgan Sum it was late afternoon and the town center’s modest buildings cast long shadows across its snow-covered streets. Cows and dogs wandered past our cars as we unloaded our luggage. We would spend the night in the guest quarters of the Community Cultural Center, a two-story Soviet-era structure with a large hall, theater, and classrooms.
A small restaurant welcomed our party a block away, where everyone just barely fit at the single large table. The food was arranged elegantly and Walt commented that it was the best he’d had in Mongolia so far. Suutei tsai was served out of a giant thermos and everyone began to feel cozy again for the first time since leaving Dalanzadgad. Read More
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission in the Gobi. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
The sun is out. If the roads are back open today, we’re heading to Bulgan Soum (and the Flaming Cliffs tomorrow if all goes well) after I forget how many days in Dalanzadgad waiting for the snowstorm to pass. Read More
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission in the Gobi. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
The drive to Dalanzadgad was uneventful except for a few irresistible photo opps. Read More
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission in the Gobi. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
It’s 8:19am in Ulaanbaatar and the sun is shining. Our team of four arrived from the US via Incheon last night around ten, to a long customs line and a cold parking lot. Ganbold, who drove the Moveable Museum last September, met us at the airport in his new Prius with an extra drive to accommodate all our luggage. We got to the Bayangol Hotel, looked over materials for our mission, and fell asleep around 1:30am. Read More
Presenting our first guest blog post from paleontologist Victoria Arbour, an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Evans Lab at the Royal Ontario Museum and University of Toronto. Read More
On September 28, 2015, ISMD president Bolortsetseg Minjin shared this statement with her followers on Facebook regarding the sensitive topic of Mongolian fossils in the possession of the AMNH. While the ISMD supports the immediate repatriation of all fossils illegally exported from Mongolia, those which were legally exported are a different, and much more complex, issue.
We had some crazy notion that there might be time to relax on our last week in UB. That was three weeks ago.
As soon as we returned to Ulaanbaatar we were in a whirlwind of press appearances, meetings and workshops. Bolor had no less than four interviews, including a TV morning show with myself, Teddy and Binderiya. Read More
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Posted: April 30, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
The Frozen Cliffs
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission to plan a museum at the Flaming Cliffs. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
The Flaming Cliffs are the first place dinosaur fossils were discovered in Mongolia, during a 1922 expedition of American scientists and local translators and guides. It was Roy Chapman Andrews, the expedition leader, who named them the Flaming Cliffs and later wrote about them, revisiting several times, and capturing the imagination of the public. Read More
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Posted: April 28, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
Meet our Volunteer of the Quarter, Markie Massey
We recently held our second quarterly board meeting. It was precisely three minutes shorter than our first, at two hours and twenty-two minutes. At least six of those minutes were spent discussing and voting for our first Volunteer of the Quarter. We didn’t think of it at the last meeting because, well, we didn’t have a lot of volunteers. Now we have (*checking*) thirteen! Crazy.
One of them has been especially enthusiastic and dedicated this quarter, and if you follow our Twitter feed, you already know her work. Markie Massey took over the Twitter account for me a few months ago and has posted far more regularly than I had time for, helping to forward our mission of building awareness of Mongolian dinosaurs and paleontology around the world.
She let us subject her to a short interview so you could get to know her better. Read More
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Posted: April 25, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
Welcome to Bulgan Sum
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission to lay early groundwork for a museum at the Flaming Cliffs. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
When we finally arrived in Bulgan Sum it was late afternoon and the town center’s modest buildings cast long shadows across its snow-covered streets. Cows and dogs wandered past our cars as we unloaded our luggage. We would spend the night in the guest quarters of the Community Cultural Center, a two-story Soviet-era structure with a large hall, theater, and classrooms.
A small restaurant welcomed our party a block away, where everyone just barely fit at the single large table. The food was arranged elegantly and Walt commented that it was the best he’d had in Mongolia so far. Suutei tsai was served out of a giant thermos and everyone began to feel cozy again for the first time since leaving Dalanzadgad. Read More
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Posted: March 26, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
The Waiting Game
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission in the Gobi. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
The sun is out. If the roads are back open today, we’re heading to Bulgan Soum (and the Flaming Cliffs tomorrow if all goes well) after I forget how many days in Dalanzadgad waiting for the snowstorm to pass. Read More
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Posted: March 22, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
A Day in Dalanzadgad
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission in the Gobi. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
The drive to Dalanzadgad was uneventful except for a few irresistible photo opps. Read More
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Posted: March 20, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
Waking up in Ulaanbaatar
Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs director Thea Boodhoo is documenting our latest mission in the Gobi. (You can help us cover some of the costs.)
It’s 8:19am in Ulaanbaatar and the sun is shining. Our team of four arrived from the US via Incheon last night around ten, to a long customs line and a cold parking lot. Ganbold, who drove the Moveable Museum last September, met us at the airport in his new Prius with an extra drive to accommodate all our luggage. We got to the Bayangol Hotel, looked over materials for our mission, and fell asleep around 1:30am. Read More
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Posted: March 6, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
Хойд Америкын тал нутгаас Монголын говийн динозаврын эрэлд гарсан миний тэмдэглэл
Бид цахим хуудасныхаа анхны блогоор палеонтологич Викториа Арборын тэмдэглэлийг толилуулж байна. Тэрээр Онтариогын Хааны Музей болон Торонтогийн Их Сургууль дахь Эваний Лабраторид Канадын Байгалийн Ухаан болон Инженерын Судалгааны Төв нэрэмжит (КБУИСТ) докторын дараахь сургалтад судалгаа хийж байгаа.
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Posted: February 10, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
From prairie to Gobi in search of dinosaurs
Presenting our first guest blog post from paleontologist Victoria Arbour, an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Evans Lab at the Royal Ontario Museum and University of Toronto. Read More
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Posted: January 10, 2017 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
ISMD President’s Statement on AMNH Fossils Collected by Roy Chapman Andrews
On September 28, 2015, ISMD president Bolortsetseg Minjin shared this statement with her followers on Facebook regarding the sensitive topic of Mongolian fossils in the possession of the AMNH. While the ISMD supports the immediate repatriation of all fossils illegally exported from Mongolia, those which were legally exported are a different, and much more complex, issue.
2015 оны 9 сарын 28-ны ѳдѳр МДСХ-ийн Ерѳнхийлѳгч М.Болорцэцэг Америкийн Байгалийн Түүхийн Музейд буй Монголын палеонтологийн олдвортой холбоотой мэдэгдлийг ѳѳрийн Нүүрномын хуудсан дээр тавьж байсан. МДСХ нь Монголоос хууль бусаар гарсан олдворуудыг буцаан эх орондоо аваачихыг дэмжин ажиллаж байгаа бѳгѳѳд хууль ёсоор гарсан олдворуудын хувьд шийдэгдэх шаардлагатай асуудлууд бий. (Монгол орчуулгыг энд уншина уу)
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Posted: October 9, 2016 by Bolortsetseg Minjin
2016 Campaign Update 9
We had some crazy notion that there might be time to relax on our last week in UB. That was three weeks ago.
As soon as we returned to Ulaanbaatar we were in a whirlwind of press appearances, meetings and workshops. Bolor had no less than four interviews, including a TV morning show with myself, Teddy and Binderiya. Read More