Velociraptor, the sharp-clawed predator who starred in the Jurassic Park films, was first discovered at the Flaming Cliffs in the Mongolian Gobi Desert. Scientists now know that it was feathered, and they believe it hunted Protoceratops–not people. It was two meters from head to tail and stood roughly knee high to an adult human.
Velociraptor, the sharp-clawed predator who starred in the Jurassic Park films, was first discovered at the Flaming Cliffs in the Mongolian Gobi Desert. Scientists now know that it was feathered, and they believe it hunted Protoceratops–not people. It was two meters from head to tail and stood roughly knee high to an adult human.
Юрийн Галавын Цэцэрлэг кинонд тоглосон энэхүү хурц-хумст махчин амьтныг анх Монголын говь дахь Баянзаг (Дүрэлзэх хадад) хэмээх газраас нээн илрүүлжээ. Эрдэмтэд энэ амьтныг өдтэй байсан гэдгийг одоо мэддэг болсон ба энэ амьтан хүмүүсийг биш Протоцератопсыг агнадаг байсан гэдэгт итгэдэг. Толгойноосоо сүүл хүртлээ 2 метр энэ амьтан зогсож байхдаа ойролцоогоор насанд хүрсэн хүний өвдөг орчим хүрдэг.