Oviraptor’s name means “egg stealer” because the first one ever found–at Mongolia’s Flaming Cliffs–was fossilized with a nest of eggs. We now know that the eggs were actually its own, and it was just being a good parent. Oviraptors came to the area to build their nests and hatch their young.
Oviraptor’s name means “egg stealer” because the first one ever found–at Mongolia’s Flaming Cliffs–was fossilized with a nest of eggs. We now know that the eggs were actually its own, and it was just being a good parent. Oviraptors came to the area to build their nests and hatch their young.
Түүний нэр “өндөг хулгайлагч” гэсэн утгатай бөгөөд учир нь хамгийн анхны удаа олдсон уг олдвор нь өндөгтэй үүрний цуг Баянзаг (Дүрэлзэх хадад )-т чулуужиж үлдсэн байв. Өдгөө бид тэдгээр өндөг нь үнэндээ уг амьтны өөрийнх нь өндөг байсан гэдгийг мэдсэн ба сайн эцэг эх байжээ. Овирапторууд Баянзагт ирж үүрээ засч, нялх үр зулзагаа бойжуулдаг байжээ.